In 1978, Edgar Vandoorne created Fizzy company.
Perfect knoledges of confectionery's world and an affirmed curiosity led him crossing Europe in order to discover greedy products.
His children would succeed him and would care to preserve the fondamentalities of the company.
For the last 40 years, Fizzy aquired a perfect proficiency of the world of playful confectionery.

1989 is definitely a key date for Fizzy which introduces on the market the first "Candy Concept", an innovation gathering gustative pleasure and toys of quality!
For more than 30 years, the candy concept seduces parents and kids.
In 1990, a range of pocket confectionery to bring everywhere and to share with friends and family is sold by the company.
This range gather candies from our childhood, tradition, pleasure and gluttery.
Successful, Fizzy grows up and takes place between Lille and Valenciennes in 1989, in a modern factory oriented on conception and production.
As a result of this investissment, Fizzy develops itself and states as Candy Concept leader for the pleasure of kids.
In 2005, Fizzy invests for a more performant logistic, appropriate storage conditions by the extention of the factory in Sars et Rosières for the optimisation of the customer care service et to respond to the needs of customers.

2008 : Lancement d’un nouveau produit emblématique de Fizzy : la Barbe à Papa.
Le bon goût de la confiserie foraine préférée des enfants, la barbe à papa est fabriquée autour d'un process technologique à la pointe.
2014 : Lancement des ventes d’usine
Fizzy organise 2 fois par an avant Pâques et avant Noël des rencontres avec les consommateurs sur le site de Sars et Rosières.
2016 : Naissance de la mascotte FIZZOU
Fizzou revêt toute l’année ses costumes variés et nous accompagne pour célébrer des joyeux événements (Pâques, Halloween, Noël, anniversaires).
Entrez dans le monde féérique, ludique et gourmand de Fizzou !
2019 : Lancement d’une gamme de bonbons réduits en sucre ( -35 %)
Une gamme de confiserie dextrose vegan, aux arômes d’origine naturelle, sans gluten avec un goût fruité plus prononcé.